Please terminate it then open it again, it should be 5 pages then.


The C10 occurs when a connection is already open to your IP address and TCP port.
If rebooting your computer didn’t fix it, try rebooting your router.
If that doesn’t help, a NAT router in your ISPs network may be responsible.
Submit a bug report with your character and server name, and explain that your connection remains open.


This error occurs when the client cannot connect to the agent server.
This happens most commonly when your firewall program does not allow access to Silkroad,
or interferes with the running of the Silkroad client.
Please check your firewall settings. If you do not have a personal firewall program installed,
it may be a firewall program used by your ISP Internet Service Provider.
Please contact your ISP service. If you are using a router with a firewall, you need to configure
your firewall settings to allow Silkroad.

- Check firewall settings.
- sro_client.exe, silkroad.exe must all be permitted to access the internet.


Please launch the game from Silkroad.exe not sro_client.exe


Your IP have been blocked on our server. Try changing it using a VPN.

It works, give it a few minutes for the FTP server to receive the file.

Server Info

  • PlayerOnline 40 / 1000


  • Servertime: 21:58:05
  • Fortresswar:
  • FW Register: Every Day
  • Battle:
  • Jobwar: Every Day 8PM to 12 AM